On The Journey
On the journey
Worth abbey 9 June 2007
Report by Richard Boeke, Horsham Interfaith Forum
“And who is my neighbour?
And Jesus answering said,
“A certain man went down from
and a priest passed by on the other side …
and a Levite passed by on the other side …
But a certain Samaritan had compassion on him and went to
him and bound up his wounds.”
On The Journey - 727
At Harvard Chapel, I once heard a morning devotional in which a friend suggested that the Good Samaritan may have been Jesus himself. Jesus may also be identified as the traveler who was left “half dead.” For he said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
727? Why I am wearing a badge with the number 727? On the 9th of June Over 20 from Horsham joined dozens at Worth Abbey for Sussex Interfaith Day. The last presentation was by the brother of OMAR. Omar for five years has been a prisoner in
Each day we have the riddle: are we called to continue some “greater quest,”
or called to stop and help some wounded soul upon the way?
She told us of the recent report of THE COMMISSION ON COMMUNITY COHESION, which focused on the need for promoting local relationships, including a common language: “Not speaking English is the single biggest barrier to integration.” As evidence of the growing government concern for interfaith friendship, she sited Tony Blair’s plans to start an interfaith foundation as he ends his 11 years as Prime Minister.
The next speaker was Brian Pearce, who has led the National Inter Faith Network since its small beginnings in 1987 (encouraged by the World Congress of Faiths). At the start there was resistance. Some found the effort for interfaith cooperation to be heretical (some still do). Gradually the National Bodies of most faith communities joined, as well as national interfaith bodies. Local inter faith groups now number over 250. The NIF was called upon to arrange a Millennium event in the House of Lords, and a Golden Jubilee event two years later. In between were riots in Bradford and the destruction of the
“You are required to continue the work.
You are not required to complete it.”
The third morning speaker was Ian Chisnell, of the South East England Faith Forum. He told us of his career changes from electronics to salesman, to County Ecumenical Officer for Churches together in
“When the missionaries were sent out, they were prepared for new cultures. Now, we are living in a new culture and many are now prepared.”
As I listened to the speakers at Sussex Interfaith Day, I was reminded that when I was a minister in California, each week I encountered people who were kind of spiritual junkies, moving from a "quick fix" in one weekend retreat, to "total immersion" in a different "path" a week later. After a while some would take up a practice, settle in a spiritual home: become Buddhists or join an Evangelical church.” But in some groups they would park their mind at the door. One of the most compassionate places in
Jonestown is a lesson that NOT ALL spiritual practices are good. We can be too tolerant. As an opponent of Adolf Hitler wrote, “my judgment I kept flexible too long.” To me, whatever your spiritual practice may be, it needs to involve both head and heart: To be thoughtful and to be compassionate.
The small group discussions which followed the morning speakers were enriched by Muslims from “Brighton Voices in Exile,” (BVIE) thanks to Mary Jane Burkett.[1] At lunch, a vegetarian feast was provided by Crawley Interfaith Network . Thanks to Fatima Mirza & Vikki Jacobs!
As we ate lunch beside the lawn, a Christian asked me “do you repent?” He pressed the point “Do you repent now of your sins?” I answered, “I have repented of sins in the past, but I don’t keep carrying them around with me.” But as I said this, I admitted to myself, “sometimes an old guilt comes back like a ghost.” Does dwelling on it help? Can religion put too much stress on guilt? Does the proclamation of Hell Fire and Fear encourage national leaders to make preemptive strikes? Or to build weapons that provoke other nations to build more weapons? Can the very effort for security increase the danger of war? Is there more health in compassion and forgiveness?
“A certain Samaritan had compassion on him.”
Robert Coles, a student of the human rights movement, tells the story of a little black girl at the time of the first integration of schools in
Coles observed her. He asked her, what did you do when you
stopped? She answered, "I prayed, father forgive them, for they
know not what they do."
After prayers and a walk by the beautiful
1) The rising tide of secularism. “Shall we teach atheism in school? In Islam, politics and religion are linked together.” When they call believers the chief source of war, do they forget the Nazis and the Communists?
2) Increasing religious fundamentalism: Christian, Muslim, Jewish, & Hindu.
3) Polarization of beliefs. Hardening lines of separation between traditions.
The last speaker was Abubaker Degahyes of
Before we split into small groups for closing discussion, Margaret Owen from Godalming came to the microphone. She told us “My daughter, Elizabeth, was badly injured in the bombing of the
727 was a vivid memory as I watched TV on the night after our interfaith day. Colin Powell, the former U.S. Secretary of State, called for
On the Journey: What should I do? Around the world, religions have answered with a version of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. To the question, “who is my neighbor?” Jesus answered with the story of The Good Samaritan.
[1] BEIV also provided a booklet containing the texts from the talks by Dr. Marcus Braybrooke and Rabbi Jackie Tabick at the 13 March