Face 2 Faith
The Methodist Church in Great Britain have designated February as a Face 2 Faith month.
Deatils of events are available at
You can get involved, and help the World Congress of Faiths
If you are a Methodist, I hope you will already know what your local Church is doing about face2faith – and if not, why not ask them whether there is anything you can help with, as a member of WCF, as you have contacts available with other faiths.
If you are not a Methodist, you could do something very similar – contact your local Methodist Church, ask them (tactfully) what they are doing about this face2Faith month, and offer to provide contacts from your knowledge of other faiths.
Elizabeth Harris tells me that events do not have to be in February – the month was designated only to raise awareness – I am sure that by now it may be too late to organise things within the month, but that should not be a problem!
If your contact goes well, and WCF is seen to be a useful facilitator in this sort of activity, then you might try to persuade others to join – it is now possible to subscribe to WCF online at
Alternatively, we can supply you with membership forms, and occasional back copies of Interreligious Insight for use in publicising WCF.
Notice also the photographic competition, which is open to ALL until 31 May.
Plenty of time to arrange an event, photograph it, and submit the picture to the competition.
Look at the face2Faith website for more information.
If you need any further help or advice, please contact
Elizabeth Harris about the face2Faith month, or
me about WCF.
We would be very interested to hear of any successes of this approach.